beatcancer's podcast

Linda Yalen’s own health journey of digestive issues, weight gain, and low cortisol from a high stress lifestyle led her on a path of discovery. She also has had many family members with cancer that she has helped. Today, she is an author and is certified as a health coach with IIN, cancer coach, herbalist, energy medicine practitioner, and she is currently taking a certification course on environmental toxins with Lara Adler.

Listen to this podcast to learn about the root causes of our symptoms and what can help. Please refer to the links for education on environmental toxins, essential oils, and the importance of organic food.

5:00 What I loved about Beat Cancer is they’re a non-profit and the course doesn’t teach coaches to tell people not to do the treatments they choose, but instead it backs up education with scientific proof which allowed me to speak with validity.

7:37 Stress is the number one cause of most diseases.

8:07 When cortisol levels get low from stress you are susceptible to disease. You can test cortisol levels with a saliva test. Reiki, grounding, and deep breathing will help put yourself in a good place energetically and will help balance your chakras, which are your energy points.

10:09 You can get blockages in your heart area from heartbreak which can allow breast cancer to develop if you don’t release stress and allow yourself to grieve when necessary. There is a relationship between energy flow and disease.

12:15 It is a good idea, pre-and post surgery to have an energy healer work on you so energy free flowing. It accelerate healing of the body. I specialize in crisis and hospice. Reiki also helps heal the family.

14:40 Hormones and digestive issues go hand-in-hand. Everything starts in the gut. You can get a gut test to see if you have nutrient deficiencies or food sensitivities. Sleep deprivation affects hormone health. It’s important to be tuned into your symptoms.

16:45 Health coaches come into play to help with symptom analysis, using tools and test to problem solve to find the root cause and then make small changes in the right direction.

19:15 Hydration and sleep play a huge role in our health, as well as environmental toxins and the foods we eat.

21:50 One important thing to do is to chew your food until it’s liquid so the body doesn’t have to work so hard to digest. Also, when you eat sit down, turn off the TV and do not multitask while you’re eating.

23:22 Being on computers until bed can affect our health because of the blue light they give off. Be aware of 5G, the devices in your home, and the environmental toxins in your environment. I am taking a course with Lara Adler who is an environmental toxins expert,

28:33 is the environmental working group and they go to place for safe products, food, cosmetics, etc. There is also a great app for your phone that they have.

Linda Yalen
Hebron, Connecticut
Phone: 860-494-0488
Clean Living Health

Cancer Coach, Health Coach, Grief Coach, TED X Speaker (From Bullied To Bold), and Author Diane Burton experienced bullying as a child because of her weight issues. Even after losing the weight, she was still carrying the negative self-image with her through her adult life. She finally was able to release it after becoming a grief coach, and now helps others to release pain and trauma so they can find their way out of dis-ease and into joy and peace.

Diane is an advocate to guide people to enhance their nutritional, psychological and immune status. She supports patient empowerment through individualized and innovative science-based resources in preventative, holistic, integrative, complementary and alternative medicine.

Listen to this talk to learn more about how negative talk and emotions impact our state of health and how important love and forgiveness are for healing to take place. Diane will talk about the emotional, spiritual, physical aspects that affect our immune system and how important it is for them to all be balanced.

3:00 The stories we tell ourselves are negative stories. In my TED talk I explain how I said negative things over and over as if those words were written on the mirror because when I looked in the mirror I saw that fat person. I saw ugly, stupid, and worthless instead of seeing the amazing creation God gave me.

3:50 When you carry bullying comments in your body it causes stress and dis-ease.

7:26 Stop and look at the rose like it’s the first time you saw it. Instead of being busy, be productive. Stop and ask yourself are you happy in life and finding joy, are you doing what God put you on this earth to do, and are you being your authentic self?

9:15 It’s emotional, spiritual, physical. I like to call these the three immune system’s. If one is out of whack they are all out of whack.

12:58 When people can love who they are they can love others. It won’t matter what somebody does to you, you will still have love for people. When we carry anger, depression and bitterness and hatred we cause illness and disease.

13:42 Love and forgiveness are everything. I had to forgive myself for beating myself up mentally. By forgiving myself I could forgive others and this gave me peace. I had to learn to take 100% responsibility for everything in my life and how I react and respond. When I learned to rejoice in all circumstances in my life and to look for the lessons, blessings, and gifts it turned into my ministry. My mess became my message.

16:15 A cancer diagnosis is not a death sentence. It can be a life sentence. It’s an opportunity to make changes in your life, the way they think, eat, and talk. Find the gifts in everything in life to find joy and peace.

19:49 Research has shown there are certain emotions tied to certain cancers. When we release the grief and trauma the body opens up to healing.

21:18 When you replay things and find yourself in negative thought processes that’s when you know you have stuff stuck down that you need to let go of.

22:22 The Master’s Masterpiece is my book. It’s a preacher’s wife’s journey from a broken and fat masterpiece to the Master’s Peace. It’s 10 chapters each is a question with 4 answers so people can do it like a 40 day devotional. It’s full of scripture with my story intertwined and talks about how to take care of yourself physically to be your best spiritually.

27:35 After I became a holistic cancer educator I realized cancer is only 5-10% genetic therefore I have to take care of myself. I invite the audience to have a 20 minute call with me by going to my websites and sending me a message or emailing me so they can heal the body before disease starts. And learn to eat to live instead of living to eat.

Subscribe on Iunes

Bonnie Schnautz is a Naturopathic Doctor, Loomis Digestive Health Specialist, and founder of B Renewed Wellness Solutions. Through Bonnie’s own health issues, she realized the power of food. She rid herself of the many symptoms that were causing her allergies, asthma, bouts of the flu and sinus infections, anxiety and depression, hormone issues, IBS, etc through whole organic foods. She also came to realize that emotional stress can override every good choice we make, and today uses meditation as her #1 tool. View this podcast to learn more about what emotional, physical, and nutritional/chemical stressors are and what we can do to achieve harmony in our bodies.

2:10 It was a fluke that I changed to an all organic diet and all my health issues went away.

5:00 Food can be our most healing modality or our worst poison. We know plant-based foods have fiber and antioxidants and that is what heals.

7:10 Through nutritional testing we can find the root cause, which falls under 3 areas of stress. Emotional, physical, or nutritional/chemical.

8:05 A big part of our testing is with neurotransmitters to see what is going on in the brain.

9:28 It was when I saw my transformation that I went back to school to be a naturopathic doctor. I needed more education to be equipped to work with people with cancer. I met Dr. Susan Silberstein and I was so impressed with her story, her credentials, and her teachings, and I knew I wanted that as part of my resources to help others. The program (certified holistic cancer coaching course) was a Godsend and Susan is such a gift. There are no guarantees, but the things that we teach cannot harm and are only going to help, whether you are doing full blown alternative treatment or we are supporting your treatment with your doctor.

11:42 What I was missing was the emotional component. And that’s what Susan brought to light. I ended up with adrenal fatigue and then I understood. Adrenal fatigue can develop into cancer. I was doing all the right things, but I wasn’t protecting my energy and my mind. I wasn’t protecting myself emotionally and I got sick.

13:28 The emotional component can override all of our choices.

15:04 Find someone you resonate with as far as meditation. Doctor Joe Dispenza has phenomenal research on healing through meditation. That’s the #1 way of balancing stress.

16:30 Through gratitude we can create self-love for healing.

18:05 Type A personality types are more susceptible to cancer and we need things to level us out.

21:10 Beat Cancer is such an incredible organization. I can’t recommend the free resources enough. I am forever grateful to Dr Susan Silberstein for her work and her research and the tools we have today because of her that we can use to help others to beat cancer and also prevent it for future generations.

Becky Kuehn started her journey in 1978 when she was diagnosed with a rare form of uterine cancer at the age of 18. She realized that there was not a lot of help for losing your eyebrows and your hair, or on how to deal with skin issues. She was in beauty school at the time and she really wanted to find a way to bring her schooling and cancer together, because when you go through the journey of having cancer, quality of life is so important and people need help to feel good on the outside. 

Listen to this podcast to learn about the services that are available to people with cancer who are having side effects from treatments or are in need of spa services to feel like themselves again. Also, if you a professional who could benefit from becoming oncology trained, this podcast is for you.
4:19 Radiation can cause different side effects and we help people going through radiation therapy to prep the skin with pure calendula oil. Immunotherapy or bio therapy and anti-cancer drug therapy all have side effects such as dry skin, rashes, red blotches, loss of color of skin, etc and we can help them be more comfortable and give them some normalcy back so they can go to work.
6:15 We offer free wigs at my 2 locations. We teach people how to put on brows safely with cosmetics.
7:09 I am in the Seattle Washington area working with the CHI group and 8 different hospitals. We offer treatments at no cost. With my teaching I have over 4500 grads, and throughout the US we have 26 locations where we have somebody in a cancer center that can help patients in that area. The goal is to have someone oncology trained everywhere in the US in salons and hospitals.
8:31 It is very important when you are looking for a spa professional to ask if that person has been oncology trained.
9:04 Incorrect massage can trigger lymphedema, so make sure if you have had lymph nodes removed that the massage therapist is trained in oncology.
10:06 We have grown from 6 classes in 2013 to 51 classes today. Oncology Aesthetics is now an official modality.
10:45 We just launched where there is a locator to find someone who is oncology trained.
11:37 I believe in continually learning. I found Susan and Beat Cancer and I flew out to Pa and took the Holistic Cancer Coaching course. I learned so much, especially how to work with someone holistically or whole body. Learning all that was so beneficial and I refer to that over and over.
13:00 The skin is the largest organ of the body and medications almost always express in the skin.
15:00 Doctors, nurses, massage therapists, nail techs, aestheticians, spa professionals and anyone who can benefit from this knowledge can take our class.

Part 2: Beat Cancer Board Member Emeritus Andrea Anderson with Nutrition Commission, Talks About ‘Learning How To Eat in a Healthy Way After A Cancer Diagnosis’

Following Andrea Anderson’s aggressive Stage 2B / Stage 3 breast cancer diagnosis while pregnant, she was faced with 42 years of eating habits that needed to be changed. Listen to this podcast to learn how Andrea navigated changing her eating habits, addressing the emotional needs behind her cravings, and structuring a plan to keep her on track. She is also sharing her daily juice and salad here: 

2:38 My friend wanted me to watch The Truth About Cancer. I watched all 9 part docuseries I learned about chemotherapy and the industry and I learned how food could heal.

3:43 Foods have the power to heal. In parallel, I was doing oncology and made an appointment with the Cancer Center For New Medicine because I heard their name on The Truth About Cancer Docuseries.

4:20 The foods that I ate as a kid with my family, the way we treated food, it was comfort and pleasure. Now I was introduced to food as medicine and in the state of chronic illness it’s about the therapeutic benefits of food.

5:06 I read The Anti-Cancer A New Way of Life book that became a guide for me.

5:43 I gave birth in July 2015 and my mother-in-law from Greece came and she was a big piece in learning how to cook veggies and how delicious they are with extra virgin olive oil, lemon and oregano, salt and pepper. It was exactly what my body needed.

7:34 I was juicing every day, first getting it from whole foods and flooding my body to make it alkaline and detoxing from chemotherapy at the same time. I was also taking baby steps to take out sugar, grains, alcohol.

9:43 Detoxing was also a big part of this with coffee enemas. I didn’t feel as sick as other people I’ve heard were. I bounced back after 2 days of every treatment. I was eating organic, good quality food.

11:37 I was feeling hungry and burned out. I didn’t know what to eat.

13:33 I did a slew of testing. I was taking about 60 supplements and did micronutrients testing, mitochondrial function testing, and a toxicity test for heavy metals. My A1C was good but nutritionally I still wasn’t good. This is where candida, parasites, and the gut health comes into it.

16:03 I felt like I was developing an eating disorder, orthorexia. People with chronic illness and cancer know they need to pivot and eat differently, but I almost wasn’t eating at all because I couldn’t get past the do not eat list.

19:17 I came across Chris Wark’s work. He healed with food and figured out how to make it simple. He taught me the trick of how to eat the same things every day. My life transformed at this point. I was focused on what I should eat and how to make it delicious. I incorporate different fats, textures, and the sweet and the creamy. It’s very low maintenance.

24:10 Half my plate is loaded with veggies, 1/4 of my plate is a protein source, and then the remaining is for olives or beans or complex carbs. I do olive oil on veggies and I cook with coconut oil in good cookware.

27:44 The sugar cravings were the toughest thing to battle. What worked for me was Bulletproof coffee with coconut oil and grass fed butter. I would do Intermittent fasting until 10-11am and break the fast with green juice.

31:25 You have to stop and think about what is fueling your desire for the food. I would look at food and say, why do I need this? What am I feeding? Do I need self care? A walk, a sauna, a hug? Slow down and connect with what’s behind the behavior.

36:47 I did coffee enemas 3 to 4 times a week, especially if I had strong cravings.

40:50 I have not felt like crap in the afternoon anymore because I eat a salad every day.

41:41 We didn’t go out to eat a lot.

43:22 I lifted the load of perfection because that made me sick, like eating disorder mentality. But I’m very careful about my habits.

47:28 You don’t want to put harmful things into your body and if you keep reaching for them you have to dig deeper and ask why do I need this? The urge is so powerful. What is it really about? Do I need to relax? Self-care? A hug? A walk? Reading a book? Mindfulness?

Andrea’s go-to Green juice in this order!

1 cucumber
2-3 celery stalks
1/2 romaine lettuce
2-3 handfuls of spinach
1/2 - 1 granny smith apple (low glycemic)
1 lemon w/ peel removed
1 ginger piece (about the size of your thumb) - add more if you prefer!

My Favorite Combination for Creating my perfectly, delicious Daily Salad! 

“Andrea’s Signature Salad”

Lettuces: I like to mix in 2 different lettuces and a few handfuls of each options (spinach, butter lettuce, or arugula) 

Veggies: Cucumbers + Broccoli Sprouts + Cauliflower Rice + little bit of Green onions (I stick with these all the time!)

Crunchy: Nuts. I’ll add in either pine nuts, walnuts, or pumpkin seeds. Entirely up to you but ensure they are plain and not store-bought as roasted.

Sweet: Fruit (ie, Pomegranates, Blueberries or Strawberries only!)

Salty: Roasted Sweet Potatoes cut into cubes – 1 tbspl of olive oil with Garlic Salt + Himalayan Salt + Cooked @ 400 for 45 min.

Sauerkraut! I love this stuff! I’ll buy Bubbies and put in about ¼ - ½ cup at least. Creates a great texture and ‘juiciness’ almost to your salad.

Garlic Olives. About 3-4!

Creamy: Healthy Fats & Beans. I cut up half of an Avocado + add in a Creamy Dressing Option + 1 tbls of olive oil to the salad to help blend up the creaminess.

I make a home-made, dairy-free Caesar Dressing ‘or’ sometimes I just a dollop of Avocado Chipotle ‘mayo’ from Primal Kitchen to give my salad a creamy kick!

Beans. I’ll add in a few ‘gigante’ beans which are mediterrean style and delicious! But I would limit these to no more than ¼ cup as a protein source to your salad.

Toppings: Organic, Hemp Hearts (I’ll put in 3 tbsp to get me 10 grams of plant-based protein!)

Cheese: Special Occasion - I might add a few sprinkles of organic goat cheese or feta from time to time!

Homemade, Dairy-Free, Caesar-like Salad Dressing (without anchovies!)– drop into food processor and blend! (Add 1 tbsp of water if needed to liquify to your liking)

  • 1 tbsp Dijon mustard
  • 1 tsp Worcester sauce
  • 1 pasture-raised egg
  • ½ cup to ¾ cup olive oil
  • 2 -3 cloves of garlic
  • Salt-


Direct download: BC-064_Learn_How_To_Eat_After_Diagnosis.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 9:58am EDT

Breast cancer survivor and thriver, Sabine Hope was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2016. Despite the fact that she only ate organic food and used natural products her whole life, and had no family history she experienced breast pain that ultimately led to a cancer diagnosis. She had a deep sense that she had to find out the cause of this cancer to be able to fully heal, and she learned that there is so much more to health than green smoothies.

Listen to this podcast and learn about how Sabine got to the root cause of her breast cancer and how her journey led her to develop her holistic program, The 5 Essentials

6:03 Cancer came to me as a wake-up call and that I needed to listen. 

6:59 Through my research I found The Center For Advancement in Cancer Education. Finding the cancer coaching course with Beat Cancer was like coming home, because the things that I believed in were the same things that Beat Cancer had already researched and believed in.

8:00 I did training in Multi-brain Integration coaching which is based on neuroscience. We have a head brain, a heart brain, and a gut brain and they are connected via the vagus nerve. We can tap into our issues in the head by going deeper into the heart and the gut to get the answers we need. 

11:35 The more I work with women with breast cancer and in the world of cancer, I realize trauma and stress and emotional well-being are key.

13:28 I developed an approach to healing called the 5 Essentials-Nourish, Flourish, Detox, Move, and Love. Joy must accompany each element. 

17:24 It’s important to connect to what your passion is that makes you get excited to get up in the morning.

23:07 Back to normal can be a completely new normal. I do group coaching and 1-to-1 coaching and my approach is “From Breast Cancer to Butterfly”.

Direct download: BC-062_Intro_To_A_Coach_Sabine_Hope.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:54am EDT


Kim Meacham was diagnosed with a rare form of lymphoma in 2016. With a determined spirit and a supportive wife, Kim went from being given 2 months to live to being in complete remission and feeling healthier than he ever had before.

Kim and his wife Ingrid started Health & Success to counsel people to improve their quality of life from preventable or holistically-treatable diseases or conditions.

Listen to this podcast to hear about the diet, lifestyle and spiritual changes he made that address all aspects of health necessary for healing.

5:11 Even though I thought I was eating the right way I wasn’t. I had an absolute problem with sugar.

5:44 Along with sleep deprivation, I was getting 5-6 hours of sleep a night from the time I was 11 years old.

7:19 I had a hernia surgery in January 2016 and the surgeon detected some lymph node activity.

8:21 I found a lump that came out in the back of my neck. They also started to develop in my armpits and abdominal and groin area. In 12/29/16 I was diagnosed with stage 4 mantle cell lymphoma with 100% proliferation rate. My tumors were doubling in size every week.

10:03 We continued down a holistic path to feed my body so it had the nutrients it needed to survive 4 months of chemotherapy and bone marrow stem cell transplant.

11:50 Bone marrow transplant surgery is one of the most invasive, toxic treatments anyone can go through.

13:21 In the 20 days that I was in the hospital, I walked 92 miles with my IV pole. Other patients started walking for the first time. My energy and true passion to live inspired others.

14:21 I was told I was cancer free but they missed a small cyst in my lower back and it started to grow. I got an appointment with Dr Michael Wong at MD Anderson.

16:48 I told my Dr. not to ever give me an expiration date, so Dr Wong told my family I had less than 2 months to live. There was a clinical trial in phase 2 that was put on hold due to brain toxicity.

18:56 My wife had discovered a dried form of vitamin D mixed with olive oil that was supposed to help reduce tumors on the brain. I had been doing that twice a day for 6 months. When it came time for the trial to begin they couldn’t find any lesions on my brain. I was the first person to do this trial after FDA approval.

20:58 I went through a 24 day stay at MD Anderson for the trial. I had a softball size tumor and about 18 other external tumors. We worked hard to support my body through the 400 hours of chemotherapy and never had nausea, diarrhea, mouth sores or a lack of energy. I hid my supplements and herbs from the hospital so they wouldn’t take them away.

24:18 It’s a travesty the food that hospitals are feeding people that are trying to heal.

25:33 I almost passed away twice during the procedure. I told my Dr. I don’t know what dying feels like but I’m not dying. I had a positive attitude and walked 2 miles a day.

30:21 It was my cells, not the chemotherapy, that ultimately took these tumors that were as large as a softball and now they’re just ugly scars.

31:00 Take your life in your hands and make your own decisions. Don’t let your doctor make your decisions. He’s an advisor. It’s your life. Make your own decisions.

32:24 Pick a decision and go down that path until something tells you that you need to make a fork in the path.

32:49 SEEDS- Acronym for SleepExercise, Emotion, Diet, and Supplementation at the cellular level.

35:32 I’ve been a green tea drinker for 40 plus years.

36:20 I do not miss a day of exercise. In 2017 I logged 1800 miles, and 2018 over 2000 miles. That was my internal drive. I do not recommend a hard core workout for someone who had been dormant. I believe in baby steps.

38:07 The emotional part of staying positive and focused on the task at hand is the biggest challenge. Meditation and prayer is a huge part of our life. I believe in energy. Positive energy from people praying for you makes a huge difference.

39:30 We eat 100 % organic, non GMO whole food. We have a substantial garden that I pick from.

40:22 I don’t tell anyone not to eat meat, but I personally don’t eat meat. If you do eat meat choose organic, pasture raised meat.

42:38 Do not eat dairy products. They are very inflammatory.

45:00 Processed and packaged is still processed and packaged. Read the ingredients.

45:55 Sleep deprivation and sugar were the culprits for my cancer.

47:53 It’s so important to have a cohesive family unit or support system for your treatment decisions. The vast majority of people that succumb to cancer succumb from a secondary diagnosis or from the treatments. The statistics just don’t prove that these treatments work for the vast majority

58:36 You need a cancer coach that tells you like it is, that gives you a direction that’s an option. What worked for me might not work for you, but I know that within a wide range of options there will be something that resonates with you. Because the only thing that works is something that you will follow.

1:00:1:01 I love the Beat Cancer site. You are providing a tremendous service to thousands of people and that’s why I decided to get the Cancer Coaching certificate because I have so much respect for what you are doing.

Kim Meacham
Plano, Texas
Kihealthandsuccess-Facebook, Instagram,YouTube
Direct download: BC-061_Intro_To_A_Coach_Kim_Meacham.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:30am EDT

After reconstructive surgery from triple negative breast cancer, Beth received 3D nipple and areola tattooing. She was overjoyed to look “normal” again, and felt an overwhelming desire to learn this craft. She made it her mission to help fellow survivors to aesthetically match their outer physical beauty to their inward beauty in order to feel whole again. As a 5 year survivor and artist, she graduated from a course at Penn and now provides this service.

Listen to this podcast to learn about Beth’s journey and about the tattooing procedure.

:57 In 2014 I was diagnosed with stage 2 breast cancer. There were two tumors with two different types of cancer, one was the aggressive triple negative type. I had chemotherapy, double mastectomy, and proton therapy. I had a lot of issues after that including multiple skin infections.

2:24 I met with the Chief of Plastic Surgery at Penn and had Trim Flap surgery done where they make breasts from your stomach. 

3:57 I decided to get 3D areola and nipple tattooing done.

4:18 After getting tattooed I decided I wanted to do this for others. I have an art background, and after this procedure was done I skipped to my car. It changed my life. 

6:14-7:22 Listen here for details about about nipple and areola tattooing.

9:59 It made me feel like a woman again.

Beth provides consultations and answers questions. She is currently taking Beat Cancer’s certified holistic cancer coaching course.
You can contact her at:
Elizabeth Turnbull
Facebook: Elizabeth C. Turnbull LLC
Instagram: ElizabethCTurnbull

Jodie Lin is a mom of five beautiful children, a breast cancer survivor, a runner, an attorney, a musician, a personal trainer, a health coach, and a cancer coach. As a breast cancer survivor, she spent the past five years really delving into the impact food has on the body, which foods will benefit each individual, and which can cause harm. After realizing her own diet lacked the essential nutrients her body needed to heal from cancer, she became passionate about helping people to understand the inflammatory process that food can create as well as the impact of proper nutrition so that they can learn to make the best nutrition and exercise choices that will keep their individual body in optimal health.

Listen to this podcast to learn about Jodie’s journey from “pastatarian” to cancer coach as she navigates invasive ductal carcinoma and her passion to help others heal holistically from cancer.

1:25 It all started when I was a child and had to go on a lot of antibiotics for ear infections.

1:29 I became a vegetarian at the age of 10 purely by choice.

1:55 I was eating as a vegetarian later in life but was known as a “pastatarian” because I ate more pasta than vegetables. I ate iceberg lettuce. There was not a lot of the darker greens and color in my diet and fruit.

2:47 I had 5 kids and they opened my eyes to being able to be allergic to food and having inflammatory reactions to food and gut dysbiosis because of it.

3:31 Just before my 5th pregnancy I started a pain in my right breast.

4:00 I had a mammogram that showed micro calcifications and I was just to be monitored.

4:30 With the pregnancy of my 5th Child there was definitely telltale signs of something being wrong.

5:19 I went back to the Dr. 5 weeks after my son was born and had a follow up mammogram and I was told I had cancer.

5:38 80% of micro calcifications are benign.

6:00 There’s no breast cancer in my history. I was a runner and a mom of five and everything that I had read suggested that the more children you have the lower your likelihood of having breast cancer and I nursed them all which lowers your risk and I was very fit and healthy and at a healthy weight. So there was nothing in the literature to suggest that someone in my position we get breast cancer.

6:45 I had DCIS, ductile cell carcinoma in situ. I had a mastectomy and 7 weeks of radiation.

7:09 I really wanted to get to the root cause. I started to do research and learned about the impact of nutrition and that the sugar and soy I was eating, as well as white flour and processed foods was damaging my body.

8:02 I went to the Institute of Integrative Nutrition and became a health coach.

8:08 Eight years later I was doing great and I had put this all behind me until I started having pain in my right breast again, where I had an implant.

8:54 During the year prior to my diagnosis I experienced a lot of stress and trauma. My sister was diagnosed with cancer and my brother-in-law’s sister had been diagnosed with her 3rd round of metastatic breast cancer and passed away and my father passed away unexpectedly.

10:50 Through faulty testing with an MRI without contrast dye they decided my implant ruptured.

11:20 I went in for what was supposed to be a three hour surgery and they removed a lump that was tested and came back as invasive ductal cell carcinoma.

12:00 The piece I was missing was managing my stress. They caused inflammation and weakened my immune system.

12:22-13:50 I came to to understand my situation and to help others.

16:48 I've been trying yoga to quiet my mind. I’ve been journaling to help me cope. We are practicing gratitude as a family.

17:34 Everyone has to find the stress management mechanism that will work for them. Could be yoga, gratification, journaling or breathing.

18:15 JKL Well Health Coaching stands for Just Clean Living.

18:44 I like to do food testing to make sure the foods that people are eating or not causing them inflammation.

19:20 Symptoms are not always just gas and bloating. They can be eczema, psoriasis, joint inflammation, arthritis, hair loss etc.

2:23 I’ve always been one who likes to take care of people and a people pleaser, which goes along with breast cancer too, it’s that type a personality. 

2:31 I went to the Peace Corps after college and was diagnosed with amoebas, giardia, and parasites and I had over 40 immunizations as well in the Peace Corps. When I got home I was never the same. I had no energy.

3:20 In 2016, I was running around with kids, had a stressful job, was not eating or sleeping well, and I was diagnosed with cancer. The source was my gut microbiome, the parasites, root canals, and cavitations that were identified on a dental thermogram.

4:25 Even though I was a people pleaser, I stood up to conventional doctors and said I’m not going to do chemotherapy and radiation. I knew I was running on fumes and I knew my body well enough to know it wasn’t going to work for me.

6:15 Vitamin C, and HOCATT- an infra-red sauna, ozone therapy with PEMF were all part of my treatment.

6:30 Or conventional approach is a one-size-fits all method, and when you treat cancer it has to be multi-pronged approach, because all of our bodies are different.

8:42 When you are diagnosed, you have time and choices and you don’t know that at first. Time is important. Take as long as you need to come up with a plan that resonates with you. Women have a great gut instincts we need to listen to.

9:57 I just put out a blog and a movement for healing breast cancer versus fighting breast cancer. It is counterproductive when you fight anything. Your body goes into fight or flight mode which means stress, which leads to inflammation, which leads to disease that can appear as auto immune disease or cancer.

10:52 My life needed to change. I was a people pleaser and had type A personality. I’ve learned to focus on me. Me first, then family.

11:14 For stress I walk my dogs in the morning while forest bathing and doing affirmations by Louise Hay, to get my mind out of fear. We must heal the mind first. The suppression of emotions, stress, and holding back resentments needs to be healed. It’s critical to find out where you are in your mind. Then I do 15 minutes of meditation and 20 minutes of yoga outside for extra grounding. And I also do rebounding once or twice a week with shoes on

13:17 I also see a therapist because I felt really heavy emotionally and I wanted to preserve relationships with my family.

18:46 I am a school counselor as well, so I’ve been meeting with students whose moms have cancer and they are hurting and having a hard time coping. I am working with kids and coaching moms to help their kids.

20:11 In my home there are no guessing games. My children know where I am and I share all the results of my tests. We have a meeting once a month for our family to talk and we keep the lines of communication open with our children.

20:47 The holistic cancer coaching course with Beat Cancer filled in the blanks for me with things I didn’t know so I could walk the walk. It empowered me and educated me to reach out and help others. It has great information and includes a great support system with other coaches. It hits on many topics to support others on their healing journey.

Jackie is passionate about counseling mom’s with cancer and their children.
Specialties: Holistic Cancer Coach, Integrative Nutrition Health Coach, MS Psych/Counseling
Phone: 218.851.8875

Join the conversation. Create a topic in our forum.

Intro To A Coach: Mari Beth Nicastro-Price

Becoming Disease Free Involves a Lifestyle Change

1:18 I thought I was living a healthy lifestyle, but in 2017 I was diagnosed with breast cancer. I did a ton of research and I found out it’s not just what you eat. It encompasses a whole lifestyle change.

2:12 I hired a health coach myself and she got me through. It was a hard decision, but I opted out of conventional treatment and made lifestyle nutrition changes and now I’m cancer free.

3:20 I wished I could help people with all the knowledge I had, especially cancer patients, because every cancer journey is so unique.

How Beat Cancer’s Holistic Cancer Coaching Course Helped Her To Heal Herself and Others

4:39-5:20 I found and your coaching certification and I was so excited I signed up that day and did it alongside the IIN year-long health coach certification.

5:53 I had genetic testing done but it wasn’t for me. It threw me off. They just test you and tell you you have this gene and that gene. But a lot of people that have breast cancer don’t have that gene. I’m one of them. We all have mutated genes but it’s the way they were expressed that we have control over. A lot of it is about stress. I had stress and did not manage it well. It’s a whole lifestyle change needed.

7:39 You can’t just eat whole foods and expect to be disease-free. There’s a lot that goes with that that needs to happen.

Stress Relief, Nature, Taking Breaks, and Making Healthy Eating Changes

9:28 My favorite stress relief technique is being out in nature. I do a lot of hiking and that’s where I am at peace. My morning routine starts at 5:30. I write in my gratitude journal then I go outside and it’s my meditation time.

10:56 We are bombarded with light from TV, computers, phones, etc. My surgeon told me how that messes with your circadian rhythm.

12:45 My coworkers had been very stressed. We take a 15 minute walk in the morning and a 15 minute walk in the afternoon. You also get in touch with your spiritual side on a walk.

14:57 Cancer is not like it used to be. It’s not a death sentence anymore.

18:30 You need to recognize the root cause and fix it because you can’t keep going on the same way.

20:53 My lentil soup recipe on my website, is one of my favorites.

21:15 I’m a big believer in essential oils.

23:49 I try to teach my clients to crowd out your food instead of depriving yourself. I start with a huge salad with every vegetable you can imagine. Portion-wise that’s my main meal. Then I will have a little meat and/or maybe a little piece of sweet potato or quinoa.

24:40 So the only thing you have to cut out is processed foods and refined sugar.

Mari Beth Nicastro-Price consults with people for prevention education or to support those with a cancer diagnosis.
Facebook: Beyond Nutrition Coaching

The group of people most susceptible to getting cancer are those people who've already had it once and haven't made any changes to their diet, lifestyle, and other key risk factors.  They typically haven't figured out what got them in trouble in the first place and addressed those issues.  Whether you've had cancer once before or you'd like to never get cancer, having a simple cancer prevention game plan can make the difference.  In this podcast we'll talk about how you can begin to take an active, conscious role in preventing cancer.  At the Center for Advancement in Cancer Education we believe cancer is a highly preventable disease and that prevention starts with well thought out game plan.
A simple game plan starts with a diet high in fruits and vegetables while reducing sugar, processed foods, meat, dairy, and omega-6 fats.  Of course smoking is a key risk factor and should not be a part of a cancer prevention game plan.  Getting 30 minutes of exercise a day can lower cancer risk considerably.  Exercise can be as simple as going for a 30-minute walk on a daily basis.  Another important aspect of a game plan it considering what negative or trapped emotions we're holding onto.  Working through these by talking with a close friend or counselor can be an important step in living more joyfully and reducing cancer risk.  It's also important to consider the level of stress in one's life.  People tend to know when their lives have become overstressed.  The key then is to take action steps to reduce stress, perhaps by changing jobs or ending toxic relationships.  Simple stress relieving techniques like exercise, spending time in nature, meditation, EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique), yoga and Tai Chi can be helpful.  Encouraging your "internal terrain" to detoxify on a regular basis is important for creating an inhospitable environment for cancer cells to grow.  We can do this by fasting, cleansing, juice cleansing, sweating out toxins in a sauna, and improving detoxification through colon hydrotherapy.  One final element to a cancer prevention game plan is to be mindful of sun exposure. Getting 20-30 minutes of sunlight on the skin each day, preferably in the morning, is important in helping the body to create Vitamin D.  Vitamin D is actually a hormone that greatly reduces cancer risk when maintained at a healthy level.  Supplementing with Vitamin D during the winter months is often necessary to maintain optimum levels.  If making many changes feels overwhelming, then consider making one change each month.  By the end of a year you'll have adopted a cancer prevention lifestyle.  Prevention is the cure!

What if you could grow one of the most potent sources of an apoptosis (cancer cell suicide) inducing compound right in your own kitchen? You can! And this can be accomplished easily in 5-7 days. I'm referring to broccoli sprouts, the most potent source of sulforaphane we know. Stalks of broccoli are a great source of sulforaphane, but broccoli seeds grown into sprouts have been shown to have an impressive 50 to 100 times more of this important compound. As if that weren't enough, they actually taste good and can be used in smoothies, on salads, sandwiches, or a topping on pretty much any dish. These sprouts can be grown in a few easy steps. Broccoli seeds can be purchased at your local health food store or online. The first step is to take a 1/2 cup of seeds and soak them overnight. Using a strainer or jar with a mesh screen they can be rinsed and then allowed to sit somewhere in your kitchen. It's important that the seeds stay moist throughout the process and are not placed in direct sunlight until the very end of the process. Continue the rinsing step 2 or 3 times a day over the next 3-5 days. Again, the key is to keep the seeds moist. On the 3rd or 4th day they will start sprouting. Once they have had a day or two to sprout they can be placed near a window or outside to receive some direct sunlight. This will help them green up and be ready to be eaten. Enjoy!

Direct download: BC-055_How_To_Grow_Cancer_Fighting_Broccoli_Sprouts.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 9:43am EDT

Melissa Eppard is a 5 year survivor of triple negative breast cancer. Having been immersed in the holistic healing world before diagnosis, Melissa knew it was her calling to be a coach for cancer survivors. She is particularly passionate about being a support for people with a cancer diagnosis in the 20s-50s age group who deal with the complex nature of raising children, caring for aging parents and working. Often times finances are affected, relationships are affected and fear of recurrence is strong. Melissa believes that as a someone who has been through this experience she lends a great deal of support and wisdom. 

Some Of Her Favorite Tools For Healing:
5:58 I love to use guided visualization. There are some great scripts I use with people. I am also trained in EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) which is tapping on acupuncture meridian points with a issue in mind. It is a powerful transformational tool.
10:40 Humor was a good tool to help me heal. Children are real teachers that show us how to play and how to stay in the moment.

How Beat Cancer’s Certified Holistic Cancer Coaching Course Helped Her to Heal Herself and Others

14:20 As a life coach and wanting to work with those with cancer, the course has filled the need for resources and deeper information on how to manage side effects and stay healthy when you have cancer. I love Beat Cancer’s approach in treating the person and not the cancer. 
14:49 There is selfish component for taking the course also. I was a survivor of 4 years when I discovered the course and it has helped me to stay on track with things like nutrition and pumping the lymphatic system. There are so many great references to books and studies that I filled a whole notebook taking notes.
15:50 The depth of information from the course would’ve taken me years to compile.
16:12 It has inspired me to stay the course and keep eating the right foods and doing the right things.
We Need Each Other To Heal
22:09 Together we heal. We need each other. My greatest source of hope and light for me when I was going through my battle was hearing from other cancer survivors that had been through it and were living their lives years later. When I got my diagnosis a black curtain fell and I could not see beyond it.
22:46 Connect with your future self. Have a dialogue with that part of you. What does that future person want for you? What special tools and gifts does your future self have to give you now so you can come through this empowered.
Melissa coaches people remotely or in person in Kingston, NY. Please visit her blog site also. What you nurture will grow.

Andrea Anderson was at the top of her career and running on coffee, sugar and adrenaline. As a runner and an athlete she thought she was very healthy. Because her mother was diagnosed with breast cancer at age 39, she had 3 mammograms in her 30s with nothing detected and no mention of dense breasts. She started IVF cycles at the age of 39. For the next 2 1/2 years she loaded her body with hormones and eventually became pregnant. At week 30 of her pregnancy, May 2015 she went to her OB/GYN appointment and told her doctor she found a lump.

Andrea bravely takes us on her journey through her biopsy and diagnosis of aggressive Stage 2B / Stage 3 breast cancer, and her emotional experience of deciding on treatment, reflecting on her lifestyle choices, dealing with information overload and coping with the fear and anger that accompanies a cancer diagnosis. 

Listen to this podcast for a raw account of Andrea’s experience with the industry, with chemotherapy, with alternative treatments, and with finding the bless in the mess. She wants people to have the benefit of her experience and she is available for personal support and encouragement. 

You can also contact her directly through her health and wellness site at Nutrition Commission for support and information.

After losing her husband to a very rare form of cancer and being diagnosed herself with stage III breast cancer and having 16 out of 18 lymph nodes removed, Linda knew it was time to learn more about integrative health, nourishing the body, spirit and mind, to heal and treat herself – simply to survive.

Linda specializes in the alkaline/acidic effects on the body, truly defining healthy eating that is crucial for those who have been diagnosed with cancer. Her practice incorporates integrative lifestyle counseling and the Healing Arts Techniques of Jin Shin Jyutsu, Healing Touch, and Raindrop Therapy. Her philosophy is that optimal health is achieved by bringing balance and harmony to mind, body and spirit, starting at the cellular level.

Listen to this podcast to learn her philosophies and what has kept her cancer free for 15 years.

3:14 They thought I would have a reoccurrence within five years and possibly a lifespan of nine. It’s now 15 years and I’ve watched my three children grow up. There was a lot of stress so I think that had a lot to do with it because there was nothing in my family tree.

3:36 I was so grateful and luck

3:36 I was so grateful and lucky to have found Dr. Susan Silberstein. She was my lifeline. Through her books, her website and her teachings I found that I wanted to take her class (Holistic Cancer Coaching Course) and realized with this toolbox of information that I had I wanted to share it with others.

4:22 I just wanted to help people so I went to nonprofit organizations. A lot of people can’t afford to pay $250 an hour for a nutritionist. I did a lot of nonprofit work and since 2010 have counseled over 800 people.

4:55 I will always be grateful to her (Dr Susan Silberstein) and her teachings and what she’s brought to the cancer community itself.

5:36 She (Dr Susan) lead me onto the path of not only wanting to help others, but realizing that you can have your nutrition and do the right things and feed your body and food as medicine, but then life hits you and stress and just so much that goes on that are cells as energy react to that puts us in a bad spot. That’s why I started to learn about Jin Shin Jyutsu, healing energy medicines, herbs, crystals, sound healing.

8:58 I’m a mobile office essentially because then I can offer my services at very low cost.

9:44 I took the path less traveled and found that it’s been a very good path.

10:05 I wrote Survolve. I never like the word survivor because I believe we survived, yet we evolve and that’s where that came from.

12:13 with Dr. Susan‘s meal plan, you can fill that out and look at foods that you’re eating and replace them and eliminate others.

15:03 You really need a coach and some tools and someone to follow you. You need that kind of support because that’s a big lifestyle change and it’s overwhelming to just get the diagnosis. Coaches can bridge the gap between the medical community and alternative options and what’s available is tremendous.

16:55 Energy therapies are so important. Meditation and anything that can take your mind off that problem. Something as simple as writing something down and burning it. A ritual to make you feel better and say, OK that’s gone. On to the next thing.

17:35 I have found that being grateful, and also a little mantra I found when I was diagnosed, that someone has it worse. So let me be thankful for what I do have.

18:57 Her website explains her services and has recipes, education and resources.

Kerry Hardy is passionate about helping people heal through alternative and non-pharmacological modalities that treat the mind-body-spirit connection. She specializes in dealing with cancer and hospice, and uses her expertise as a Reiki Master, Pranic healer, certified crystal healer, doTerra wellness advocate, and aromatherapist to raise vibration so the body is not hospitable to cancer.

Kerry is a member of Beat Cancer’s Medical Advisory Panel and is also certified as a Beat Cancer Holistic Cancer Coach.

1:48 Working as a hospice nurse and working with cancer patients in the Yale community, we had cancer patients that would graduate and not transition to hospice and some of that did not. So I learned an awful lot through my patience of what works and what didn’t.

2:16 I also found Reiki energy work on my personal journey and that really help me tune in to who I was and what I needed for my own healing.

2:29 That big package of holistic mentality of the mind, the body and the spirit started to come together for me as I was working with patients and seeing those who could connect and those who didn’t. There really was a difference there in the success rates of those who healed.

3:37 there’s chemo and there’s radiation and surgery and there’s a place for all of them at the right times if that something that’s really going to work for you. But if it doesn’t resonate with you it’s something to really sit and turn into and search for other options.

4:09 When we start talking about the mind and the mental thought patterns and your energy field it all sounds crazy, but it’s not because we are energy. Everything is energy and everything is a different frequency.

4:27 what you really need to do is raise your vibration to a healing frequency so disease can dissipate.

5:48 I love essential oil‘s and they all have different frequencies. Frankincense is 147 this helps raise your vibration.

6:19 frankincense has been shown in labs to destroy a mutated DNA cell.

6:35 Myrrh has been shown to inhibit damage cells by getting into the RNA and not letting it replicate again.

7:08 to boost your immune system there’s oil’s such as cinnamon and clove.

7:31 crystals are another beautiful way to raise your vibration. They actually have energy and you can learn to work with them and utilize the energy.

8:44 Reiki is a Japanese method of bringing in source energy, whatever you believe source that is, God or spirit or the universe.

11:30 The neatest thing is that it works distantly because we are all connected. It’s really not this crazy idea that people like to label it.

14:21 there is no cookie-cutter recipe for healing and getting to the root cause and the root problem of why you got cancer in the first place is huge.

17:58 Love is healing in itself and we know that but we don’t talk about it.

Kerry Hardy
Boulder, CO
Certified Holistic RN
Certified Holistic Cancer Coach
Medical Intuitive
Reiki Master

A 15 minute phone consultation is always complementary to discuss your journey

Five Time Cancer Survivor, Dr. Marilyn Joyce, Takes Us On Her Journey from Having 2 Weeks to Live to Being Known as, The Vitality Doctor

Dr Marilyn Joyce has the unique combination of being a Registered Dietician, as well as having a PhD in psychology. She is an internationally renowned author, educator, speaker and trainer, and was the Director of Nutrition for the Cancer Treatment Centers of America. She has appeared on many TV shows, including Leeza, Jenny Jones, Montel Williams and Maury Povich.

She is the author of several unique, inspiring and comprehensive books, including her best selling books, Five Minutes to Health, I Can’t Believe it’s TofuThe Original Hollywood Celebrity Diet, Instant E.N.E.R.G.Y.: The 5 Keys To Unlimited Energy and Vitality and The Stress To Success Formula: Transform Your Life, Career and Business Now!She is known as the Master of 5-minute healthy strategies and tips that anyone can do anywhere, anytime. Marilyn’s slogan is, 5 Minutes…5 Times A Day…Instant Energy & Maximum Stress Release Guaranteed!

At the height of her career, and only 35 years old, she was diagnosed with melanoma, and then stage 4 uterine cancer. She went in and out of cancer for 5 years, until she found herself in a wheelchair at 88 lbs with a 2 week prognosis.

Listen to learn about Marilyn’s turning point, her miracle weekend, and how 1 year later she ran a mile!

5:39 In 1989, at 88 pounds and in a wheelchair unable to eat or drink anything, the only thing I could do was suck on ice chips.

6:15 I survived childhood abuse and I was a runaway at 14 so there was a lot of this underneath that I survived and I think it gave me the strength that I wasn’t going to quit.

7:02 The turning point happened at a home my daughter took me to after being given two weeks to live. At a Vitamix demo, I was given cantaloupe, including the seeds and I didn’t throw up.

9:03 I was dragged off to another program with Dr. Bernie Siegel with 900 people in the audience. At a break Dr. Siegel came over and asked me what was going on. I told him, and he asked me if I’d ever done a gratitude journal.

11:53 Dr. Siegel said, what you focus on is what expands, and literally I focused on what I was grateful for. So I got a lot more to be grateful for, including 30 years more on planet earth.

12:48 It became apparent that I had survived beyond my two week prognosis. And if I could do that maybe I could do it longer.

14:40 One year later I ran a mile. It took me 30 minutes. There was hope. They told me stage four uterine cancer would come back so I figured I’d take a trip. I drove to New Mexico and my world became an open world.

17:53 My first book, 5 Minutes to Health, was dedicated to Dr. Bernie Siegel.

19:31 Dr. Siegel had said to me, do you see cancer as your friend?

20:01 He said, "What if you thought of cancer as a teacher? What do you think will be trying to teach you?"

22:04 Let go and let God

22:10 Have fun, laugh, be with friends, be social. Work is not everything.

22:39 If you don’t like what you’re doing quit. Find something you’re passionate about. We didn’t come to this earth to be unhappy and struggle.

24:27 I have an expression that I say, take five to say five and what that means is take five minutes to say five years because I lost five years to cancer.

25:37 Make time and just put on the music, set the timer and start breathing in a rhythmic pattern. Breath in for 4 seconds, hold for 4, and out for 4.

26:46 Whatever comes up release it, because that’s how we learn to release stress by letting things come up, dealing with it, and releasing it.

27:14 Take it to the next step. Earthing or grounding is just taking off your shoes and socks and walking in the earth, sand, or grass. And do the same breathing pattern for five minutes or longer. Research shows sticky blood platelets all stuck together, in five minutes of doing this and the breathing they all separate and go their merry way and blood flow is way better and nutrition gets into your cells more easily.

30:18 People spend 90% of their time indoors right now and that’s not the way people lived in the old days. We need to get out and reconnect to nature, hug a tree, listen to the birds and walk every day and stop and smell the roses.

31:18 We get stuck behind a desk and my philosophy is, every hour get up and get off your seat and on your feet and do something different. Changing your state is critical and regenerates your spirit and your physical body at the same time.

39:29 5 keys to unlimited energy and vitality. The E is for, Exhale fully first so you can inhale fully. The N is for nutrition. The second E is for exercise for cellular rejuvenation. The R is for rest, relax, and rejuvenate. The G is for gratitude. And the Y Is for making it yours and what works for you because there are hundreds of strategies.

Joseph Brown founded the Carla Rose Foundation in honor of his late wife, Andrea Carla Frasier-Brown and his late mother, Ruby Rose Brown. This non-profit foundation raises money for people seeking alternative treatment and provides payment assistance to alternative care clinics. Joseph started this foundation because he felt his wife’s traditional treatment was debilitating and that there must be a better way to heal. He also wanted to reduce the stress of the financial burden on people trying to heal from cancer.

Joseph is also opening his first wellness center in Spartanburg South Carolina on September 30, 2019. It will be open to prevention seekers as well as anyone with a diagnosis of cancer or any other health issue. They will be providing many services including nutrition counseling, juicing, cooking demonstrations, lifestyle modification seminars, stress relief technique education, yoga, massage, spa and relaxation services, meditation, and art classes through their partnership with the Chapman Cultural Center. They are having a fundraising gala August 17, 2019 at the Chapman Cultural Center to raise funds for the opening of the wellness center. 

Joseph is using the education he received through Beat Cancer’s Certified Holistic Cancer Coaching course to headline the wellness center. We are so happy to help Joseph provide such needed services. 

If you have a cancer diagnosis and need assistance funding alternative treatment please check their website at You can also find information on attending their new wellness center and their fundraising gala, as well as donation information, including purchasing their beautiful bracelets that honor different cancers. 

Joseph Brown 
Founder of The Carla Rose Foundation

Intro To A Coach Ruth Phillips, Oncology RN

Founder of Guide For Hope: A Shelter from the Storm


Ruth Phillips started her 25+ year career in hospice, helping people and their families to find peace at end of life. She then transitioned to oncology nursing. During her career she developed a desire to educate and help people prevent cancer. She decided to become a Certified Holistic Cancer Coach through Beat Cancer so she could help people in a way that nurses did not have the time to do at the patient bedside. She really enjoyed learning about nutrition and complementary therapies from the course. She helps people to understand the benefits of healing nutrition and also the need for resolving emotional issues. She promotes meditationreiki, prayer, exercise, and yoga as she has seen the positive changes from these complimentary therapies. Ruth also helps people to understand complicated medical language and to develop open communication with their doctor. Ruth’s services at Guide For Hope also include cardiac coaching as many of the medications people are taking for cancer have cardiac implications.

Ruth Phillips, Oncology RN
Founder of Guide For Hope: A Shelter from the Storm

Dr Bernie Siegel, named one of the Top 20 Spiritually influential People on the Planet and Holistic RN Kerry Hardy deliver a healing message: Listen to your heart, Live in joy, Live an Authentic life and Healing Happens

Dr Bernie Siegel left his position as Assistant Clinical Professor in General and Pediatric surgery at Yale University because in his words, “I cared about people”. His first book, Love, Medicine, and Miracles served to redirect his path in life. He originated Exceptional cancer patients, a specific form of therapy using drawings, dreams, images, and feelings. The physical, spiritual, and psychological benefits that followed led his desire to make everyone aware of their healing potential.

Kerry Hardy is a Holistic RN, reiki master, certified crystal and panic healer, and holistic cancer coach with Beat Cancer. She wants everyone to know that we are all energy, and if we want to heal from cancer we need to raise our vibration, and honor the mind-body-spirit connection that exists in all of us.

Listen to this podcast for amazing stories of healing through love, raising one’s vibration, energy medicine, connecting to your feelings and desires, following one’s heart, living authentically and with meaning, giving your troubles to your higher power, laughter, and other methods. This is a truly inspiring message from 2 traditionally trained medical professionals that is anything but traditional.

4:27 the diagnosis helps the doctor but it doesn't help the patient. Doctors need to know the patient’s story and then treatment can begin.

5:32 My patients told me they feel better in my office but they said they need to know how to live in between office visits. I saw over and over that if you help people live their body got the message and it changed things.

7:35 So he says to people to pay attention to your feelings and let your heart make up your mind and then a lot of wonderful things happen.

7:79 I don’t want people to fight a war with cancer because then you empower your enemy.

9:11 I asked a woman who healed a large tumor from pancreatic cancer how she did it and she said “I left my troubles to God” Wouldn’t that be a nice way for everybody to be cured? And how peaceful you'd feel if every morning you got up and said, God today I'm not gonna get upset. I'm not gonna worry.” That’s why I started cancer support groups.

12:55 Those who have meaning in their life, ask for help, help others, laugh etc do well.

29:17 I think people need to understand it’s okay to say no, it's okay to ask for favors, and have some meaning in your life.

29:26 Monday morning we have more heart attacks, strokes, suicides, and illnesses. No it ain't Monday, it's the people and how they feel because again that's one of the first things in the immunocompetent personality. Do you have a sense of meaning in daily activity and support? So if getting up on Monday and it is your way of contributing to the world and people it's not a threat, but if its “Oh damn it it's Monday I have to go to work" you are better off getting sick, then you don't have to go.

30:54 Crystals, essential oils, plant medicine, getting back to nature, realigning with the cycles of nature and what we’re putting into our bodies and whether it's raising or lowering our vibration is really so important. And it all comes back to that self-love.

31:21 Love heals. Love is vibrational positive thoughts and removing that negative from your environment and your physical. It is so important.

31:49 Those who fought the cancer and made it a negative were not as successful as those who accepted it because it's a part of you. You're now dis-eased. Your body is imbalanced so the cancer takes over and it's part of you, so you actually need to love the cancer and the message that you're getting so that you can heal from it. Why did you get the cancer?

34:45 The mind, the body, and the spirit. That connection needs to be whole and working for true healing

35:04 If you're not addressing the mental piece of the thoughts that gave you the cancer or that spiritual piece because you're not connecting with your true self then the healing process is slowed or it's non-existent so that connection is important and it has to come from your heart.

40:42 Becoming mindful, meditating, doing those types of practices like yoga, but finding the one that works for you, that resonate with you. I truly believe in the power of Reiki and energy healing in all different ways, and that Reiki can really get into the subconscious. It can heal the spirit, it can heal your mind, and some of those mental patterns and the physical as well with chronic pain and some of those symptoms that you're getting.

53:27 Jesus said, " It is done unto you as you believe."

57:01 Instead of calling it spontaneous healing, why don’t we say "what the hell did you do to get better?"

58:19 Lose the untrue self and you'll get a gift. Your body will know how you feel and will do everything it can to keep you going. You need help, ask. Don't use the disease as a way of getting attention.

62:23 If you had 15 minutes to live what would you do?

62:49 What's your chocolate ice cream in life? Go live your chocolate ice cream and what a wonderful life you can then have.

63:55 365 Bernie’s book: Prescriptions For the Soul

Dr Bernie Siegel’s website:

Kerry Hardy’s website:

Debbie (Melamed) Nicholson, from BeatCancer.Org interviews Shannon Sayers, Holistic Cancer Coach, and Nicole Daruda founder of and the largest FaceBook Support Group of its kind on how breast implants of all kinds cause cancer, according to the FDA.

Breast Implants: An Epic Health Crisis>/h4>

Nicole Daruda: Marked Symptoms Developed The First Couple Years After Breast Implants

3:17 I started to get symptoms and illnesses that I didn’t have before implants. In fact I was perfectly healthy before implants.

4:39 more symptoms came on to the point that I actually had to leave my career.

5:17 I came across the information of breast implant associated lymphoma cancer, cancer cause directly from breast implants so I immediately move to explant my breast implants.

Breast Implants Poison Women

5:46 When I woke up from surgery my surgeon brought my implants to me and they smelled and wreaked of terrible chemicals, like the smell of nail polish remover and formaldehyde

6:48 The silicone shell becomes permeable in the human body as time goes by

7:49 The FDA is very aware that we’ve gathered on social media and that we are a large group of women between 65,000 and 100,000 women spreading awareness

8:59 after you take out the implants you go through a process of detoxification from the chemicals that were leaking inside of me, all the accumulated chemicals and heavy metals that are inside these implants.

Shannon Sayers Was Sick Within 6 months, From Pneumonia to Being Sick All The Time

12:21 16 years later I woke up with a lump on my right implant.

12:51 I had a lump back to me and I was told it was cancer.

14:25 I had a double mastectomy and decided to do reconstruction and that’s when the nightmare started. It was about four months into the expanders and all of a sudden I had bone pain in my legs and hips that was excruciating and I was hospitalized. There’s a metal portal in the tissue expander and every two weeks I was getting injections to fill the skin and it was leaching into my bone marrow.

15:41 I had those implants out and my doctor said the ones going in were FDA approved and 100% safe. Rashes, pneumonia and viruses started

The FDA Announced That Textured Implants Were Causing Lymphoma.

17:05 you fight to live when you are told you have cancer and now I had it again

19:00 I called over 30 surgeons within three months to explant

22:47 lists symptoms and tests

23:52 Silicone was first invented as a pesticide by Dow It is an endocrine disrupter

25:16 Symptoms that occur in the beginning aren’t related to the breast. Those symptoms come on later. At first they are immune dysfunction symptoms immune deficit symptoms, autoimmune symptoms and endocrine disrupting symptoms.

26:24 once you recognize your symptoms on the list look for a qualified explant surgeon. There’s a list on my site.

28:03 Saline symptoms cause many of the same symptoms as silicone and more

28:13 Saline fluid inside the implant becomes like a dirty aquarium with all sorts of microorganisms that start to grow. Silicone and saline implants have a port where the implant is filled and the port gathers human fluids and tissues and begins to mold. If the valve is defective mold crosses right in to the implant.

28:51 We see tons of implants Brown and black with mold.

Breast Implants Are Ticking Time Bombs

30:34 It’s just a matter of time. It’s not if you’re going to get sick, it’s when

38:12 The FDA is having an open safety meeting with us in March. We want textured implants off the market. The FDA has announced an association including saline and silicone, smooth and textured implants.

Nicole Daruda 
Facebook: Breast Implant Illness and Healing With Nicole 
Shannon Sayers
Holistic Cancer Coach with Beat Cancer. She has a breast cancer and implant awareness blog at
Facebook Support group: Survived Breast Cancer Alternatively
Book called Army Strong-My Natural Battle with Cancer that is available on Amazon.

Join us while Debra Melamed interviews Leslie about her incredible journey.

How mindset makes all the difference:

3:01-3:35 What if we could shift the mindset of cancer being scary and instead see cancer as a messenger of hope and love that has come to teach you something about yourself, and become a cancer boss.
6:41-46 There are studies the show that when you hear the word cancer in your name that your immune function drops 50%.

You are what you eat:

18:21-29 I teach people that the ultimate goal is to eat a 90% plant-based diet.
22:40-23:38 Im a huge fan of the alkaline broth, and the mineral broth recipe from the Hungry For Health book. For people in active treatment, the mineral broth in particular is so healing. My clients that use it are head and shoulders above in their recovery. It is fantastic and just as important as anything else they are doing.

How BeatCancer.Org Holistic Cancer Coach Certification changed Leslies life:

25:08-25:22 Beat Cancer’s holistic cancer coaching course has helped me with my own mindset. Things I closed the door on were opened back up. I use a lot of resources from the course. It really elevated my practice.
25:42-26:04 If you are thinking about doing this class stop thinking and and do it. It will change your relationship with cancer. It will change the way you think about how you help people. It is so incredibly empowering.
27:00-32 I refer to my notebook from the course all the time. If there is something I have never heard of I know Susan has said it in the course. I find what I need every time. She helps me help people and her legacy will live through every one of us in a way that is life-changing.
27:38-46 There are a lot of celebrity types to there right now trying to sell their story about beating cancer, but Susan truly knows the path.

Start believing in yourself and thrive after cancer:

31:12-27 I speak to people from my heart and encourage them and believe in them when nobody else is believing in them, not their doctors, not their family.

44:35-59 Cancer is here to teach you your purpose, to check your lifestyle and your relationships, and everything that is going on in your life that is affecting you. It is an opportunity to move into your perfect life. 

WARNING: Mammograms may do more harm than good according to leading experts... and The American Cancer Society agrees. Thermography is the answer.

In this interview with Dr Philip & Liesha Getson, you will learn TRUTH about Mammograms and how To avoid Misdiagnosis Leading To Unnecessary Breast Cancer Treatment.

There are so many golden nuggets, it worth listening all the way to the end.

------------------------------ ------------------------------ ----------- What is Thermography? How safe, and effective is a Thermogram? ------------------------------ ------------------------------ -----------

2:27 Thermographic cameras are FDA cleared and totally safe. It is a screening tool for breast health as well as thyroid, dental and neuromuscular issues. It is done without the radiation and compression inherent to mammograms.

*3:12-23 Thermographic evidence abnormalities can occur 7-10 years before a mammogram will find a tumor the size of a pencil eraser.

------------------------------ ------------------------------ ----------- Why are mammograms less effective and potentially unsafe? ------------------------------ ------------------------------ -----------

5:23 Only then is it palpable or readable on a mammogram and thats really too late.

*6:08 The compression of a mammogram is about 44 lbs of weight and it only takes 30 to rupture the capsule of a tumor. 7:11Then you are hitting the damaged cells with a very focused amount of radiation.

18:46 Mammograms are inconclusive with dense breasts

------------------------------ ------------------------------ ----------- What is the biggest hazard of getting mammograms (it's not what you think)? ------------------------------ ------------------------------ -----------

*20:43-21:35 The biggest harm of mammograms is over diagnoses. Tiny lesions that would never cause a woman a problem are being treated with chemo, radiation and surgery, doing more harm with treatment than would ever be from cancer.

*21:39-21:58 Statistically 85% of all micro calcifications are benign. The other 15% are so slow growing they would never cause a woman a problem.

*22:01-09 The American Cancer Society states that we are over diagnosing and over treating.

------------------------------ ------------------------------ ----------- How are mammograms causing more harm than good? ------------------------------ ------------------------------ -----------

*22:32-23:59 People are getting treated for DCIS Ductal Carcinoma in Situ. They are supposed to take the word carcinoma out because its not breast cancer. People are getting chemo and radiation for something that’s not even breast cancer. It’s criminal.

24:28-36 5-6x/year we will see women come in for thermograms that have had mastectomies for DCIS and they don’t have cancer.

*24:57-25:41 The Cochrane Group studied 2000 women who had annual mammograms for 10 years. That’s 20,000 mammograms. The number of women whose lives would be saved is one. The rest were under or over diagnosed, or whose tumors were so slow growing that they would have no impact on their life.

*26:13-21 The best way to never get cancer is to never get a mammogram.

29:08-22 When you read the medical literature its not something that should have been done in the first place. It should be done through diet and lifestyle modification and monitoring

------------------------------ ------------------------------ ----------- What can any woman do, everyday, to lessen the risk of Breast Cancer? ------------------------------ ------------------------------ -----------

29:34-30:11 Diet and lifestyle modifications-removing underwire bras 38:09 because it causes lymphatic congestion.

30:26-35 The lymph system pushes toxins out of the body so you want the breasts to be able to move and not be constricted in a tight bra with an underwire. 30:40 People do rebounding, exercising, walking to move toxins out through the lymph 30:54 You don’t want to use an antiperspirant because you don’t want to stop your body from sweating and you don’t want aluminum

32:09-33 Beat cancer brochure reads 90% of all cancers can be eliminated through diet and lifestyle modification and science agrees. Eat real food, organic, non-GMO. Mostly a plant-based diet. 34:43-58 We are 70% water so we need to make sure we’re taking in enough water, half your body weight in ounces of filtered water.

------------------------------ ------------------------------ ----------- Early detection is good, earlier detection is better… ------------------------------ ------------------------------ -----------

38:07 Thermograms are so great because it detects tumors 7-10 years ahead of time.

38:45 The stress connection. Stress increases cortisol and affects hormones. It also increases pain and decreases the body’s ability to fight infection and disease

------------------------------ - AND MUCH MORE ------------------------------ -